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Essential Hand Truck Safety Tips

by Z L 18 Apr 2024

Trolleys provide a simple and convenient way to move loads. Because carts are relatively simple to use, their safety is often taken for granted. While they can reduce the risks associated with manual lifting, safety precautions still need to be considered when using hand trucks for material handling. There are some basic safety tips you should follow when using a stroller.

The Most Common Hazards Associated with Hand Carts Include:

1. Entrapment Hazard: Fingers and hands can become trapped between the cart and a fixed object such as a wall, corner, barricade or shelf.
2. Crushing Hazard: Toes and feet may be crushed by the wheels of a cart or by falling material from the cart or falling material.
3. Slips, Trips and Falls: Hand trucks that are not loaded correctly and used on steep angles or uneven terrain can pose a risk of slips and falls, while carts that are not securely stored pose a tripping hazard for those in the work area. It's dangerous. When items on the vehicle are too high, they may block the operator's view, causing them to fall.
4. Overexertion: Various strains can occur on the back, shoulders, and arms while loading/unloading or even while moving heavy-duty trolleys. Excessive force may also cause the handle to break, causing injury to the stroller and personnel.

According to OSHA Standard 1910.176(a), if mechanical handling equipment is used, adequate safety clearances should be provided in aisles, loading docks, doorways, and anywhere turns or passages must be made. Aisles and aisles should be kept clear and well maintained, and there should be no obstructions in or within aisles that could create hazards. Permanent aisles and walkways should be appropriately marked.

Safety Tips Checklist:

1. Check the Condition of the Trolley: Before use, check whether the wheels, handles, brakes and other parts of the trolley are normal. Regularly inspect and maintain your cart to ensure its safety and follow the cart's instructions.
2. Appropriate Load: Do not overload to avoid losing control of the vehicle.
3. Road Surface Condition: Pay attention to whether the road surface is smooth and whether there are any obstacles. If the road surface is slippery, there is a risk of falling.
4. Pushing Method: Hold the handle with both hands and push smoothly to avoid sharp turns or stops. Keep the vehicle balanced to avoid tipping or rolling over. Avoid one-handed operation. Use both hands to better control the vehicle.
5. Pay Attention to the Surrounding Environment: Pay attention to pedestrians, vehicles, etc. around you. Maintain good sightlines while pushing and avoid collisions. Don't push too fast, especially in crowded areas.


A hand truck makes it easier to transport different types of objects and due to this, we often take them for granted. That’s why it’s best to follow the hand truck safety tips provided to stay alert and avoid injuries when transporting with these tools.

If you need help deciding on which hand trucks to purchase or have questions, please contact us. We’ll gladly advise you on the best choices for you.

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